Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Years and Florensia Online Preview

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the long time between posts, I'm at home for the holidays and its been quite quite busy. But without further adieu, I'll get to my next preview. Its for a new MMO called "Florensia".

Although there is little info on this game, as its still in development, they do have many of the game's features up on the website: . The basic premise is similar to Pirate King Online (which is posted in my archives); as the game has a pirate theme, complete with town siege and becoming a merchant.

As for the core systems of the game: there appear to be at least nine classes, ranging from:
Explorer, Voyager, Producer, Manufacturer, Merchant, Shipbuilder, Soldier, Mercenary, and Pirate. It is important to note that this is pre-liminary information, and the list may be much longer or shorter. It appears that the Explorer and Voyager explore both land and sea to find new islands, treasures, and write maps to sell to other classes. Whereas the producing classes deal with city development, such as building/developing cities (and their defences) and trading with other cities..etc. Which is a marvelous idea in my opinion as it adds a new perspective to the game. Goonzu has a similar system (see my archives).

The last batch of classes, the "warrior" style classes, deal with all things piratey, including commanding your fleet of mateys, laying siege to other cities, defending your own city and all things in between. From the sounds of it, they have a class to satisfy everyone, and enough action to keep things exciting for quite some time.

The graphics appear to be using the Unreal 2.5 engine and thus are very similar to RO2 (both games are anime based) from the looks of the videos. The equipment is rendered on each part of the body and didn't appear choppy, so nothing to fret about in this department.

Although there is little info released, if the current ideas are developed properly this could be a massive hit. Yet, we must always remember the problem with false promises (see Dark and Light), so I'm not getting too excited about it. But this is definitely a game to watch out for, I'll keep you updated if they post any information about the core system (character development).

Link for a video of the game on YouTube is:


Also, Cabal Online Closed Beta ends on January 2nd, if you have any thoughts on it, please feel free to post in the comments, I read them all.

Thats all for now, have a Happy New Year everyone!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Cabal Online Closed(open) Beta


First things first. My LOTRO beta friend key is now gone, sadly no one posted in the comments except for one person, whose email was invalid.

Onto to actual news:
Cabal Online is going into the final stage of closed beta. There is a twist, anyone who gets an invite gets to invite 5 other people, whom also get to invite 5 other people...etc. And since I have an invite, if you post your email address in my comments I'll work on getting you an invite also, so that you can come back here and invite more people!

The actual beta starts on the 18th. However, with some nifty tricks you can play right now:
You can download the client at the above link.
How to play right now!

Time to give Cabal that last try, since my previous review didnt get to cover the entire game (level 50 max), now it is level 150 max; so we shall see if things have changed.

As always, enjoy!

Monday, December 11, 2006

LOTRO Beta Key

Sorry for the lack of updates of late, but I've been busy with school. I do however happen to have a Lord of The Rings Online closed-beta key to give away. And since you, my faithful readers, care enough to venture to my little blog, I feel it should go to one of you.

Leave your email address and reason for why you should get the key. It HAS to be activated by tommorrow at about 7 PM EST, so if there is only one comment by that time, you'll get it!

On other news, CABAL goes open beta on the 18th (this is from's forums, I'm not sure if its "official" so dont hold me too it!).

And thats it for now, the MMO industry has been VERY quiet lately. Only other rumours around revovle around Darkfall finally entering into beta stages sometime next year.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Updates: Short One


Sorry for the delay (again), but one more day until the term is over! Woohoo! (Then 7 days of hell, then finals).

As for any updates. I'm still waiting on CABAL Online ( to go open beta. It is supposed to be "sometime in December"; so lets keep our fingers crossed.

Also, I'm gonna try and compile some information on Lord of the Rings Online. My initial thoughts on it are not very flattering for Turbine (LoTRO producers) so I'll try and get more info before posting a preview.

Lastly: DELAYS.
Almost >every< single MMO in production has been delayed 1-6 months. I've got no idea what the industry is up too but its making for a very sad state of games during christmas break. CABAL is only remaining option.

Hope I do well on my finals!