Monday, June 02, 2008

Well we are..a year later.

Hey all!

As you can see from my previous post, it appears I've spent a little too much time on that hiatus. Summer flew by with no interesting MMOs, then school came around and I was too busy to notice anything exciting happening; to be honest, there was nothing good in the MMO world for an entire year. we are at another summer and this time there has been quite a few exciting MMOs released lately, and I've had a chance to play them. I think its about high time I got back to reviewing, so spread the word!

On this week's agenda: a brief review for Requiem Online and a full fledged one for Rohan Online.

Next week, along with some interesting tidbits about upcoming MMOs, I'll be posting a short review on the Age of Conan.

As an added bonus, I think its time I go back through my review catalogue and see if I can update any of my previous reviews. I'll most likely be doing a brief update for World of Warcraft, Ragnarok Online, and maybe a few others.

Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Reddy. =)

RedFlame said...

RSS feeds are evil! Either that or you're behind me watching me type... *looks around*

Anonymous said...

i read ur blog religously so u not posting = me losing a year of my life and i want it back!!!